Old firefox 40 for mac
Old firefox 40 for mac

old firefox 40 for mac
  1. #Old firefox 40 for mac mac os x#
  2. #Old firefox 40 for mac pdf#
  3. #Old firefox 40 for mac mac#
  4. #Old firefox 40 for mac windows#

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#Old firefox 40 for mac pdf#

Normally when a PDF is requested so is favicon.ico but none of these bot hits are doing that.In the web browser space, there are a variety of other well-known players such as Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. The referrer being used was // - which would be legit because the PDF's in question were scientific research papers. They started to include a referrer in Nov 2017 but then dropped it at the end of 2018.

#Old firefox 40 for mac mac#

Half of the Mac hits did not have a referrer. I see one instance of an institutional IP () and one instance of a hoster (OVH). Doing a reverse lookup on them - they all seem to be consumer ISP's distributed across the globe. I will see 2 or 3 requests for the same PDF file on the same day, each request from a different IP. Those 18 are also different in that they only request my landing file (default.html) or wp-login.php or /wp-admin/ (which I don't have).

old firefox 40 for mac

The remaining 18 examples start with one of these: These 99 Mac examples start March 28 / 2017 and seem evenly spaced right up to a day or two ago.

#Old firefox 40 for mac mac os x#

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.12 rv: nn) Since 2015 I have 116 examples of user-agents that end with:

#Old firefox 40 for mac windows#

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en-US rv:x.x.x) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/x.x Why would a bot generate such a UA?Typo in the script, probably.Įdit: Looking for Firefox/\D I find a scattering of Mozilla/5.0 (X11 Ubuntu Linux x86_64 rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4E2FĪll from the early months of this year, all blocked. I do find a few of the kind you describe, though mine all claim to be Linux like is also a non-digit, leading to thousands of putative FF/5 for all the good it does them. (non-digit version number, alongside all versions through 35) Mine's currently 68.blahblah so far FF (unlike Chrome) hasn't tried to claim that my OS is too old to support the latest version.Ĭan't remember what triggered it in the first place, but I've got a longstanding block on Nope, FF for Max uses ordinary sequential numbers just like everyone else. My last question - is FF on MAC user-agent proper or legit when it ends with a 4-digit hex value? If yes - what is the intended function of that? If no, why would a bot generate such a UA? Why they're interested in my PDF files, I don't know. All these dozen or so IP's are from residential ISP's scattered around the globe. So I'm obviously observing coordinated bot activity here. It was part of CIDR I was blocking for some reason. Why two hits? Because I gave the first hit a 403 (denied). Of these 10, only 1 example of a hit from 2 different IP's to the same PDF (this time 13 minutes apart) - from and Once more in June, and then 10 times this month so far, I'm seeing direct hits to PDF's on my site, where the UA is similar (ie with 4-digit hex value). Note how the version has changed on the end of the UA to a 4-character hex value. gif files.īut get this: 6 days later, at exactly the same second, two different IP's ( and request the same pdf file from my site. A normal hit should request 28 additional. Anything that requests just my landing file is suspicious. It requests robots.txt and my landing file (default.html). First time I see it (March 14 from the UA is this: Why no other versions of FF, I don't know. For what I know are legit hits, I'm only seeing FF version 63, 65 and 67. I see very very few hits from Firefox 6x running on a Mac. I presume that Gecko/20100101 is correct / legit. All other hits were direct to pdf files on my site. This was the only hit to my website (landing page). Hits where FF version is 67 happened only once - in July.

old firefox 40 for mac

Hits where FF version is 65 are only seen April / May this year. Hits where FF version is 63 are only seen in Dec 2018. I was looking for examples similar to this: This is Firefox browser running on a Mac. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.12 rv:6 Yesterday I searched my web logs for this string: Don't know if what I'm seeing is new or known or useful.

Old firefox 40 for mac