Cleaner para mac gratis
Cleaner para mac gratis

  • Fix crash when activating certain extensions (Select All, Formatting, Highlight, Delete, and Paste and Enter).
  • (Please note: the Evernote PopClip extension still does not work with Evernote 10, due to Evernote 10 not supporting AppleScript.)
  • Improved compatibility with Evernote 10.
  • Fix (on Sierra and High Sierra): Graphical glitches in PopClip prefs.
  • Fix (on Big Sur): Prefs menu not appearing, or appearing in the wrong place, when PopClip’s menu bar icon is hidden.
  • Fix: Not appearing when selecting italic text in Microsoft Word.
  • Fix: Appearing when double-clicking on videos, etc.
  • This allows for a new Reminders extension.
  • PopClip can now request Reminders access on behalf of extensions.
  • PopClip is now a Universal app, for both Intel and Apple Silicon / M1 chip.
  • Several more bug fixes of a minor or obscure nature.
  • Fixed appearing as “0” in System Preferences.
  • Improved compatibility with IntelliJ apps.
  • #Cleaner para mac gratis pdf#

  • Improved compatibility with PDF Expert.
  • Improved support for Vivaldi and SideKick browsers.
  • Various other tweaks, fixes and minor embetterings.
  • Improvements to the programming interface for extension developers (see extensions documentation).
  • Added Danish and Traditional Chinese transations.
  • Fixed bug where PopClip would go to 100% CPU when selecting a huge amount of text.
  • This is now available as part of the “Email” extension.
  • Removed “Use Address” as a built-in action.
  • “Reveal in Finder” now opens the folder directly when selecting a folder path.
  • “Open Link” now recognizes craftdocs: and x-devonthink-item: as URL schemes.
  • Fixed capturing HTML from Chrome, Edge and Opera.
  • cleaner para mac gratis

  • Option to make PopClip appear above or below the text.
  • Option to display the Cut, Copy and Paste actions as icons.
  • Choose a second spelling language in prefs, to check spelling in two languages at once.
  • Fix: Not appearing in Firefox in some situations.
  • cleaner para mac gratis

    Fix: Incorrect tooltip text when hovering over buttons.Fix: Paste and Match Style extension not appearing.

    Cleaner para mac gratis